Ben Paljor Chatag is a Tibetan American contemporary multi-disciplinary artist. He was born and raised in Lhasa, Tibet, lived in Northern India as a refugee, and in his teens came to the U.S. to begin life in the West. Currently, Ben is living in Miami.
His practice synthesizes concepts from his Tibetan culture, Tibetan philosophy, and his experiences as a refugee in India and the U.S. He explores the possibilities of transforming internal and external environmental, social, cultural, and political conditions, focusing on the potential to reduce human suffering, including freedom and joy and presenting humanness, interconnectedness and the transformative power of mind.
2020 M.F.A. Maryland Institute College of Art, Mount Royal School of Art
2015 B.A. Marymount Manhattan College, New York, NY
2022 Oolite Arts "Home+Away" Artisits-in-Residence Exhibition, A Group show, Patton-Malott Gallery,
Snowmass, CO
2020 Im.migration, A Group Show, Temporaryroom online, Baltimore, MD
2020 Mount Royal School of Art Fall Show, Group Thesis Show, MICA online, Baltimore, MD
2020 Mount Royal School of Art Fall Show, A Group Show, Riggs Gallery, Baltimore, MD
2020 We the People, A Group Show, Main O Gallery, Baltimore, MD
2019 Opening Doors, A Group Show for Fellows, MICA, Baltimore, MD
2019 Mount Royal School of Art Fall Show, A Group Show, Riggs Gallery, Baltimore, MD
2019 Psychogeography, A Group Show, Hewitt Gallery, New York, NY
2019 Going Beyond, Solo Show, part of Tricycle Film Festival, Here Now Space, New York, NY
2018 Timonian, A Group Show, Riggs Gallery, Baltimore, MD
2017 Trajectories, A Group Show, Hewitt Gallery, MMC, New York, NY
2017 Suffering & Cessation, Solo Show, Yasher Art Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2016 Alumni Art Exhibition, Hewitt Gallery, MMC, New York, NY
2015 Senior Art Exhibition, Hewitt Gallery, MMC, New York, NY
2015 Senior Thesis Art Exhibit, Hewitt Gallery, MMC, New York, NY
June-September 2022 Bakehouse Summer open, Miami, FL
February-March, 2022 Oolite Arts' Home and Away Residency: Anderson Ranch, Snowmass Village, CO
July, 2021 77Art Residency, Rutland, Vermont
Summer 2013 Thangde Gatsel Tibetan Painting Residency, Dharamsala, India.
Curatorial Projects
Sept 2021-Dec 2021 Transforming Minds: Photographs by Allen Ginsberg 1989-1997,
(ext- February 14,2022 ) Co-Curator, Tibet House Gallery, New York, NY
August, 2022 Author, "Curatorial Reflections on 'Transforming Minds : Photographs by Allen Ginsberg 1989-1997' Yeshe: A Journal of Tibetan Literature, Arts and Humanities, Issue No 2. See